My Very first grow!!!!!


Active Member
Well I have been growing my plants for about a month now and its looking promising.

My first plant is vanilla kush from barneys farm. I had the girl outside but bugs were eating her new shoots so i brought her in. and i accidentally gave her sunburn a while back. otherwise she has a very thick stalk and is looking healthy.

My second plant i forget what it is but i have the package somewhere. She is looking great for the most part.

My third plant has had a very tough life it started with a ph problem in the water then i dropped the ligh one her and she got burnt pretty bad.

overall tell me what you think i know i dont have perfect plants but i think they are doing alright.
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Staff member
i think first you need to repot. but as long as youre fixing your pH issues and deficiencies than they should get better


Well-Known Member
Good luck Kyle, your plants are looking good despite you smashing them with lights and such like, lol (only pulling yer beans). Like our, Sunni said, get your ph sorted and give them some room to grow (that means the roots = bigger pots). Then make sure your lights are better situated (as they looked a wee bitty stretched), your environment is good (temps, humidity), and then your plants will love you, because you will be giving them love.
Have a happy growing trip.
Peace from the Dam.


Active Member
Nice plants, they look happy and healthy. I see the one you say was burnt but these plants don't die easy and it looks like you know what you're doing. Congrats on taking control of your freedom and self sufficiency. With dealers getting more retarded every day, this is the way to go. There's nothing wrong with repotting but I'm not sure why they neeed to be repotted at this point, they look fine to me. But these guys might have more experience.


Active Member
thank all of you for the replies it really means a lot to me that im doing alright. i hope to have a successful first grow. +1 to you all


Well-Known Member
Wow man, doing well. You've made a lot less mistakes than the average newbie. I've spent tons of time researching and money on equipment and still have made plenty of mistakes. Keep it up, and remember be proactive with your research. The more you learn about the nutrients and stuff before hand the easier it will be figuring out problems if they come up.

I recommend googling how a plant works in general, or how the marijuana plant uses nutrients and photosynthesizes and stuff. Not only will it help your thumb turn green, but it also makes it feel like your brain and pecker are bigger when you learn something new, which is all the time :)


Well-Known Member
When your plants are small especially, you need to have the light as close to them as possible while still maintaining good temps.....your plants stretched way more than needed. Just keep researching and asking questions. Without more info ( soil, nutes, lights etc etc ) kind of hard to give you pointers.