My Volcano Fund


Sr. Verde

So I decided a month or more ago that I would really love a volcano.

I know I would treat it well and I wouldn't need to keep fucking around with glass... I mean $700 is fucking crazy money to me so initially I thought I would buy a NICE bong for $120 then start saving for a volcano but recently I decided, shit, I already have 2 nice bongs and a pipe so why not just save EVERYTHING for a volcano?

Well, I'm up to about $250 and I have a steady amount of money coming in... Maybe like $5-$20 a day depending on many factors.

I have really cut down on smoking, I rolled 3 joints on halloween and sold 2 and am going to smoke my last one today (Purple haze yum) But other than that I'm going to start being super conservative and put my money I would normally spend on herb towards that Volcano...

Now I was hoping to turn this into a small Volcano thread

Post up your experiences with a Volcano.
Do you have one?
How well does it get the job done?

I haven't even tried one yet but I've had some vaped stuff and heard the Volcano is the best!


Well-Known Member
i hate to tell it to ya, but that's way too fucking expensive man you might was well get you a vaporizer for like 150 and that'll do ya good. i mean why is it so much money


Well-Known Member
ive had mine 2 years and i bloody love it, i gave up smoking after i got the volcano, had smoked 31 years, very well made as you would expect from the germans.


Well-Known Member
Good idea for a little volcano savings. Ill stick to bongs for now until im out of college and have a real job which should be this summer. Then a volcano will definetly be bought..


Well-Known Member
i hate to tell it to ya, but that's way too fucking expensive man you might was well get you a vaporizer for like 150 and that'll do ya good. i mean why is it so much money
Because you get what you pay for. Go buy a $150 vape and tell us how long it lasts.


Active Member
Because you get what you pay for. Go buy a $150 vape and tell us how long it lasts.
I wouldnt pay more than 500 for a top of the line volcano, with extra bags

SEARCH BEFORE you go and buy one for 750 plus tax

i seen the cheapest model at 250 in a med club


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt pay more than 500 for a top of the line volcano, with extra bags

SEARCH BEFORE you go and buy one for 750 plus tax

i seen the cheapest model at 250 in a med club
That's cool. I wouldn't buy a vaporizer. I like the taste of high grade bud too much. As for shwag I wouldn't even waste my time heating it up I just through it in the bong so I don't have to taste it.

Sr. Verde

I wouldnt pay more than 500 for a top of the line volcano, with extra bags

SEARCH BEFORE you go and buy one for 750 plus tax

i seen the cheapest model at 250 in a med club
Dude point me in the direction

I really want to go all out with Digital

Which valve should I get? Solid Valve or easy valve? I want the best :P


$700 is in no way worth it. I bought a replica volcano from some company that went out of business but they were the only ones to make an all metal, very durable, replica volcano, and it was $140 out the door. Yes, it's awesome but it starts to seem wasteful. It's not nearly as hard hitting of a high that bongs bring but it's a very long, cleaner high. Not all strains get the job done in a vape... usually most strains I still use in my bong because the vape just doesn't cook it right or something. But I just burned a bag of Blackberry Rhino out of my vape because it is COVERED with kief and I'm fried. So it depends on many things but the first time you hit it, you'll fall in love with how high you get.

Choose what you want but keep in mind... that's $700. Way fucking overpriced.


Well-Known Member
$700 is in no way worth it. I bought a replica volcano from some company that went out of business but they were the only ones to make an all metal, very durable, replica volcano, and it was $140 out the door. Yes, it's awesome but it starts to seem wasteful. It's not nearly as hard hitting of a high that bongs bring but it's a very long, cleaner high. Not all strains get the job done in a vape... usually most strains I still use in my bong because the vape just doesn't cook it right or something. But I just burned a bag of Blackberry Rhino out of my vape because it is COVERED with kief and I'm fried. So it depends on many things but the first time you hit it, you'll fall in love with how high you get.

Choose what you want but keep in mind... that's $700. Way fucking overpriced.
:bigjoint: thats what you get for not buying the real thing mate:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Dude point me in the direction

I really want to go all out with Digital

Which valve should I get? Solid Valve or easy valve? I want the best :P
:bigjoint: get a solid, you can use oven bags, anyone who says they have no kick is wrong plus you are going to be more healthy, use less herb, live longer. mine was 250 squid so cheap for 2 years of use and still going strong:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ive tried the volcano in a coffeeshop in amsterdam - very nice indeed, i dont smoke either so perfect for me - i do like the look of the extreme vaporiser tho - its a bit cheaper, uses glass and has a remote control - very trick... thats what im saving for.


Active Member
holy shit 700$ for a pipe? i guess its been a while since i kept up with the pipe world haha. ill have to go look it up and see what this thing is

green fan

Active Member
When I first got my Volcano I was doing it all the time..... Now I just use it occasionally. I got mine for $250 at a head shop and it's digital.