Mycotrol "O" watering into soil for outdoor growers


Well-Known Member
I think that I read somewhere months back that people were mixing Mycotrol O at 5 ml per gallon and watering it into their soil as a way to get it into the plants systemically plus by watering it into your soil it can kill say any Russet Mites that are dormant in there. I have looked and can't seem to find the article on this now. You know when you are looking for something you almost never can find it, lol.

I don't have issues yet but know the BORG will be coming as I am in northern Ca and we get the BORG like crazy up here. Normally I rotate spraying Mycotrol O , Abamectin and Pyganics and it works decent to pretty good, but I have still gotten spanked by them. So I was figuring on trying this new method if it works without fucking up your roots ect... Figure if you can kill or severely hurt them at their source then you have a better chance of winning the battle. Any thought s would be great..