Mylar or White Paint?


Active Member
Both will do fine mate, worry more about a good light preferably a 250 hps or more and good air flow.. fans air intake and outtake. Happy Growing from Ireland :blsmoke:


Active Member
yeah I started off with white paint till i could affors a decent reflctive material and quite honestly havent noticed any difference with the plant quality but it definitely looks brighter in the room.


Well-Known Member
whats the tin foil reflective percentage? is white paint better than tin foil?

I like mylar.

I posted once telling someone who wanted el cheapo to use aluminum foil and got blasted by half a dozen peeps. Seems Aluminum foil will cause hot spots on your ladies.

Use mylar. It's worth the extra few bucks.



Well-Known Member
I like mylar.

I posted once telling someone who wanted el cheapo to use aluminum foil and got blasted by half a dozen peeps. Seems Aluminum foil will cause hot spots on your ladies.

Use mylar. It's worth the extra few bucks.

"cheap mans mylar" - wrapping paper from the dollar store with shiny backing. works like mylar without the hotspots of the tinfoil.