Narrow, undeveloped and very slowly growing seedlings because of parasites from soil?


Well-Known Member

I have germinated a white rhino from green house company and a power kush seed that was freebie.
After a month the white rhino is doing fine, is big and healthy but i have killed my power kush because in 3 weeks it only had the cotiledons and some narrow undeveloped and deformed 1 set of leaves.
Ok i thought the power kush seeds was free and not so big and dark, maybe it was a bad seed and thats why it greew like shit.

Interesting is that from this freebies back in the bggining of the year i have grew a nice plant but i havent flowered her becuase i had to get rid of it cause of some problems.

A few days i said that i cant go just with that white rhino and i have germinated a.m.s. from green house and another power kush. It seems that the a.m.s. seed that was very dark, big viable seed its developing the same like the free power kush. Slow growth after it pop ups from the soil, narrow first set of leaves and never coming 2nd sets of leaves. Maybe is to early to tell if the symptoms are the same, seedling is just 5 days.

I have checked the soil and the roots and i have seen some worm like thing near the root. It a very slim 2-3 mm in lenght worm/parasite in the soil. I have checked on google and it seems that this are nematodes / eelworm's .

Could this be the cause of seedlings not growing? Why the White Rhino have grown big and bushy in the same soil without problems? I see those little slim worms in the outcome water from the white rhinos pot when i water it, it seem they are in the soil i bought.

Here is a pic with how my w.r is doing and that soils, could be the soil and parasites that block seedling growth? How