Necrosis On all Soil Plants and some Aero


Active Member
Now that I finally got rid of the spider mites other issues are becoming more noticable .

For soil i'm using Black Gold Potting mix and 5ml-1gallon of Liquid Karma. I also foliar feed with the same 5ml-1gallon of Liquid Karma. For mite prevention I use Neem Oil, following the bottle direction with 1/3 tsp of liquid soap per gallon.

Could this be TMV or am I reverse foliar feeding the plants with the neem solution. Also my Pacific Hawaiian Island Skunk plant (about 6 weeks into flower) in my aero system is doing the same thing. + can any1 identify the strain of the middle pic? Also the plants with necrosis display dark purple almost red stems and veins.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You see how some leaves are more translucent than they should be? They are a lightish green with darker veins and the leaf in between the veins is more see-through than normal. This is common with Ph problems. Try to check your soil's Ph.


Active Member
Checked all My soil plants earlier today. All but 1 were in the proper range. As for aero, i've got an intellidose auto doser (properly callibrated) displays the ph and ppm 24/7.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The way the leaves are curling parallel to the mid rib happens with heat and watering problems. How often do you water, fertilize and foliar feed? What are the temps day and night? About the top third of the soil should be completely dry before watering again. Have you had mites before or are you just being careful by using the neem?

If the soil's Ph is ok and close to 6.6 then you may want to check the Ph of your water and fertilizer mixes.


New Member
u probably need some real nutrients instead of just a supplement
im thinking N deficiency though


Active Member
Temps during the day never get above 80 F. Winter is currently here so I had to put timers on the intake and out take vents. The intake out take fans are on a 12/***12*** cycle. They turn on at night every hour for 5 mins. Stays about 64-72 F at night I water every 2-3 days depending on like you said the dryness of the soil. You know, it probably is a watering issue. I'll test my tap ph and then the ph after I add my nutes. Only 5ml-1gallon o' Liquid Karma. Soild used is black gold.


Active Member
foliar feed every three days using 5ml-1gallon Liquid Karma and fertilize only weekly using same concentrations. I like you persistance, really comes in handy. I just got over a really bad mite problem and am currently using neem treatment weekly.


New Member
foliar feed every three days using 5ml-1gallon Liquid Karma and fertilize only weekly using same concentrations. I like you persistance, really comes in handy. I just got over a really bad mite problem and am currently using neem treatment weekly.
ok and isnt liquid karma a supplement
do u have any other fertilizers?


Active Member
Here is a video of my situation.



Active Member
i think it's a micro nute. Im not currently using any macro nutes with soil.

In aero I use
Dutch Master Advance Grow A&B
Dutch Master Advance Flower A&B
Liquid Karma
Sweet Raw

All used according to containers directions.

I do have a bottle of Botanicare Pure Blend pro flower. Just started using it on my soil plants that are flowering.


New Member
the first 2 pics look like they could use nitrogen
the last one looks like magnesium or nitrogen


Active Member
Problem, over watering. Leaves Curl in, stems and veins are purple red. Probably is deficiant due to being constantly saturated with water water causing nutrient uptake issues.

Now I know when to water....... 4 freaking years I've been doing this.