Need a little help. Thanks!

My other posts got next to no comments...idk, maybe I put them in the wrong forum.

here are the links:

The problem is that i'm in the final stages, just entered 7th week and the leaves, I know are supposed to wilt a little now, but I think mine are wilting too much! The leaves are curling under and some turning sideways. The buds look fine, though.

I flushed three days this last weekend and have started nuting again with General Hydroponics Nutes and advanced feeding schedule. On the Ripen section now.

Any help is appreciated. There are pics on the other posts and I can add more if you need.


Well-Known Member
2 things too much N and heat/moisture stress, need to get your temp and humidity under control


nowt wrong with ya plants m8, they look fine to me, im no expert but they look sweet, i found the little leaves on main colas get mangled like that coz theres loads being produced in such a small Area at the same time.... and they just in each othersway MAYBE YOU DINT GET A REPLY COZ SO MANY PEPLE FORT YOU WERE TAKING THE PISS HAHAHAHA they look sound pal


Well-Known Member
nowt wrong with ya plants m8, they look fine to me, im no expert but they look sweet, i found the little leaves on main colas get mangled like that coz theres loads being produced in such a small Area at the same time.... and they just in each othersway MAYBE YOU DINT GET A REPLY COZ SO MANY PEPLE FORT YOU WERE TAKING THE PISS HAHAHAHA they look sound pal
Got that right that plant is very unhappy, you need to read some more :)
I'll take some photos today so you guys can properly see what's happening. Not a lot I can do about the heat in a closet grow. Hood is up as high as it can be, but it's still a 1000 watt hps on a variable ballast. I cut the power down to 50%. I'm thinking the moisture is fine but no way to tell for sure.

Thanks for the replies.


you could use a glass screen about 12 inch from bulb, with a hole cut in the centre to allow air to flow upwards, its a lot of bollocksing about really iff you ask me, but a book i read shown a diagram of a hps closet grow and was as i described, like i say a lot of arsing about but it can be done :) peace out bro
Yea. My hood is lacking a glass cover currently, and that's something I definitely plan on rectifying before the next batch. I'll add the glass cover and air cool it with a small fan and some ducting.
Bump. Updated photos.

Also, I'm just going to continue flushing and harvest a little early. Wish I could wait a little longer, but can't.