Need a quik fix, close to harvest time!!!


This is my first grow, and its close to harvest. Iam growing in soil. A few days ago, I took a few samples from differnt parts of the plant, dried it out, wrapped in a paper towel and put towel on my computer monitor for 24 hours. The buds were dry, so I know that this was not the problem.

I rolled a joint and tried to smoke it, the weed would not stay lit, and it burned a black ash. I had to keep a fire on it while trying to take some tokes off the joint. The weed was good, but it sucked trying to smoke this stuff.

I looked around and found out that this was a fert problem, looks like the weed has too much fert left in it. I need a quik fix, seeing that it is getting really close to harvest time. Is there anyway to fix this before the plant is over done? some of the leaves are drying off the plant also. Is it too late? have I lost my crop yet?

Please help me out with some cures!~!

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
The best thing you can do is to get a fast acting flush agent. Final Phase from Advanced Nutrients is what I use, but if you can't get that off of the internet quick enough, then pick up some Clerex Final Flush. It will speed up the process tremendously. Also, water your plants until there is a significant amount of water exiting the bottom of your pots.


Well-Known Member
Hi Santana,

It takes longer then 24hrs to dry weed man. During the drying process the trichomes turn THC into what gets you high man. It takes time. Like a week or so. Then put it in jars for at least another week then you have something to compare.

If your going to harvest soon I think the best thing you can do is to learn how to dry and cure properly. All weed is going to taste and burn like shit if you treat it like shit. Have some patients and do it right. You will be glad you did.


When I found out that it was due to a fert build up in the buds, I used regular water( the kind you can buy at a Cub Foods or Rainbow Foods, where you fill up your own gallon jugs) until water drained out of the bottom of the pot, I kept watering and draining.
Is this a good method of "flushing"? should I do this again next time the plant needs to be watered? If so how many times should i do this? should i do this until I harvest? I really dont want my weed to be such a pain to smoke. If anything, Ill have to stop rolling joints and go get a bong, if I cant fix this before harvest time.
I think Ill pick up some Clerex Final Flush tomorrow, any ideas of who sells this stuff?

thanks for the help and info, this being my first grow I really dont want my crop to be spoiled in anyway.


Cool, thanks for the advice svchop889, I was going to do the regular way of curing, but if this will help this problem, Ill definatley look into the water curing.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks for the advice svchop889, I was going to do the regular way of curing, but if this will help this problem, Ill definatley look into the water curing.
there are right and wrong ways to water cure though tbh i read some pretty shoddy tutorials on water curing that would ruin your bud if you followed, if i were you and if you do decide to water cure i would set aside a portion for this and do the rest like everyone else. some ppl dont like the results, but i will say this it takes alot of the crap out and makes you bub more potent per gram although it will weigh less.

that being said i would go about it in this manner cut your bud let dry 3 days in whatever manner your doing the rest of your bud, next take the portion you are water curing and get a clean container that has an airtight lid place the bud in the container pour clean distilled water into the container until your bud is completely submerged use room temp water dosent need to be warm your not making soup, make sure you change your water every day, dont stir the water and make sure you keep the container in the dark, 7 days later remove your bud carefully and put into a food dehydrator or some other drying device there is diy threads on here for bud dryers, drying quickly after water cure is key if its sitting around wet it will mold


Well-Known Member
Best way to samples to give it a week to dry..
I tried to dry overnight.
Was a waste of my weed.


Well-Known Member
I just did this 2 days ago to about 3g dry bud. put in oven at 150 degrees for 10- 15 minutes. Mine took about 20-25 minutes flipped half way through. Make sure not to go over 200 degrees or your THC will vaporize. Then I seal it in an airtight container for about anh hour and the buds come out nice and smokeable.


Well-Known Member
I just did this 2 days ago to about 3g dry bud. put in oven at 150 degrees for 10- 15 minutes. Mine took about 20-25 minutes flipped half way through. Make sure not to go over 200 degrees or your THC will vaporize. Then I seal it in an airtight container for about anh hour and the buds come out nice and smokeable.

Yeah this is my quick dry of choice :)

I put prob 2g of my bud a few nights ago. I got like 2 weeks left before i harvest prob. Just got curious haha. But ya it works fine, except i let it sit overnight after i cooked it in a container


you probably didnt let it dry long enough, esp joints, u roll em up and get no air flow through there, let it dry, be patient whats the rush, you worked hard for this for monthes dont mess it up now


Thanks for the advice again. So its been 3 days since I first flushed the soil. The plant seemed to perk up a bit, at this point there are no fan leaves left on this plant, just buds and the small leaves that form around the buds. The pistels are turning reddish to rust color and there is about 50+% white to reddish colored pistels, on some of the buds, the pistels seems to be receeding back into the buds, so its really close to harvest time.

Should I be worried about this fert problem? I dont want non-lightable buds, especially after all this work. I flushed a second time today, same method as I did the first time, will this hurt the plant? flushing more than once? I figured that it shouldnt hurt much, its just like the plant getting WELL watered every 3 days. I figure there is about 3-6 days tops, before the desired ripeness I want passes. It takes about 3 days inbetween waterings. I used a 10-50-10 fert solution, which may have burned some of the leaves off. The buds look nice though, with a light frost of white covering them.

Knowing that I may have over fert the plant, should I keep flushing till harvest?

Also, will partially undried weed burn into a black ash that doesnt flake off, like the usual light grey ash does? Is that normal for undried weed? or would it eventually burn into a grey flakey ash if it were still a little wet? This is what is raising my concern, that hardened black ash that doent flick off when you try flicking it off. Isnt this a fert build up issue? Im seeing 1/2 and 1/2 advice saying its because its either a fert build up problem or its an issue of the weed not being totally dry.

When I sampled those buds, they were dry enough that I could use my fingers to crush them buds almost into a dust.

Ive had damp weed before and the ash didnt turn into a hardened black ashy substance, and even though it was a bit harder to light, after smoking 1/2 a joint and letting it sit till I went back to smoke the rest of the joint, the weed was dry enough that the joint would smoke better and wouldnt require a continuous fire to toke off the J.

Has anyone seen or heard of this same problem?


Thanks for the advice again. So its been 3 days since I first flushed the soil. The plant seemed to perk up a bit, at this point there are no fan leaves left on this plant, just buds and the small leaves that form around the buds. The pistels are turning reddish to rust color and there is about 50+% white to reddish colored pistels, on some of the buds, the pistels seems to be receeding back into the buds, so its really close to harvest time.

Should I be worried about this fert problem? I dont want non-lightable buds, especially after all this work. I flushed a second time today, same method as I did the first time, will this hurt the plant? flushing more than once? I figured that it shouldnt hurt much, its just like the plant getting WELL watered every 3 days. I figure there is about 3-6 days tops, before the desired ripeness I want passes. It takes about 3 days inbetween waterings. I used a 10-50-10 fert solution, which may have burned some of the leaves off. The buds look nice though, with a light frost of white covering them.

Knowing that I may have over fert the plant, should I keep flushing till harvest?

Also, will partially undried weed burn into a black ash that doesnt flake off, like the usual light grey ash does? Is that normal for undried weed? or would it eventually burn into a grey flakey ash if it were still a little wet? This is what is raising my concern, that hardened black ash that doent flick off when you try flicking it off. Isnt this a fert build up issue? Im seeing 1/2 and 1/2 advice saying its because its either a fert build up problem or its an issue of the weed not being totally dry.

When I sampled those buds, they were dry enough that I could use my fingers to crush them buds almost into a dust.

Ive had damp weed before and the ash didnt turn into a hardened black ashy substance, and even though it was a bit harder to light, after smoking 1/2 a joint and letting it sit till I went back to smoke the rest of the joint, the weed was dry enough that the joint would smoke better and wouldnt require a continuous fire to toke off the J.

Has anyone seen or heard of this same problem?
Im going to try another little sample to see if after 6 days and 2 flushes will make a difference. If that doesnt help, then Im totally out of answers. Ill have to end up going out to buy a bong for this crop. Wish me luck haha!.

Any good ideas of a quik dry method? I know that time is the best way of drying but in this situation, Im kind of glad I did sample, otherwise I would have ended up with unsmokeable(at least hard to light) buds. And didnt even have a chance to resolve the problem.

Any advice is needed and appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much every quick dry method sucks. I sampled some buds, and they burn just like yours do. This is a combination of nutes and the bud being too moist on the inside. That's why it doesnt burn thoroughly. Continue to flush until harvest time and then properly dry it all.


Pretty much every quick dry method sucks. I sampled some buds, and they burn just like yours do. This is a combination of nutes and the bud being too moist on the inside. That's why it doesnt burn thoroughly. Continue to flush until harvest time and then properly dry it all.
Ok, its been very unsettling knowing that the finished product might be somewhat ruined before its even been harvested. Thanks for the input, being that this is my first grow, I had no idea that if you clipped some buds off to sample that it would burn like this. Even if the buds seemed to be dry enough to smoke. I hope that flushing and properly drying and curing will fix this problem in the end.

Again, simple confirmation of this problem, being as easy to fix with time, is always a good thing to hear.

If anyone else has seen or had this problem, it would only ease my mind on this issue a bit more. All input would be good to hear.


Well the plant looks like it was in shock or something, due to the over fertilizing. Now its growing new small greener leaves w/out the yellow or brown tips. Lookin good now. Ill continue to flush.
it will be fine. continue to flush with just pure water for 2 weeks and it should be fine... a few extra weeks wont hurt them if anything it will ripen even more and give you an even stonyer buzz...good luck
relax, black ash means that there is a buildup of fert/salts in the weed and you have just not done a proper flush yet. Almost all tester buds will look like that when smoked. You are doing what you are supposed to do now. What week are you on? For ~10 days before harvest you will want to stop using any fertilizers and just water with clean H2O. As far as leaves faling off, leaves are going to be falling off to some extent now (especially if you never leached/flushed your soil during the grow). Also, there is no need for that crazy water cure method!!!!!!Lastly, the new growth is probably from getting rid of the salt buildup.
Just keep watering with h2o and u should be good to go.