Need Advice On a Good Outdoor Strain 1st Grow


Active Member
i was going to say if you can and i highly recomend it. start them indoors under floros, compact floros or a MH lamp if you have one. if using shop floros mix warm and cool bulbs for good light spectrum and fill them in as close as possible, the lights that is. get your tops as close to the light as possible without burning. shop lights won't burn but cfls and mh bulbs will. make sure to keep them on a steady light of 24h to grow all day. with a big enough pot that the roots do not have to start to ball up. a month or two indoors will increase your odds tenfold when it comes time to put them out.
sorry to ramble so much, cheers to a good year for you.
None of that was rambling man, I appreciate all the info, I'm looking for multiple opinions from multiple people. I'm planning on starting them indoors, you and many others are telling me that's a definite positive. Again man thanks for taking the time to lend your knowledge


Active Member
Sensi seeds Early Skunk is the best begginer strain I have ever seen. Huge buds and very potent. Early Skunk is an extremely vigorous Indica/Sativa hybrid. The buds smell like flowers and fruit. Mine survived flooding while the Big Kahuna ironicly died under the same conditions. After I transplanted it the grasshoppers ate the fans so bad it looked like someone took a shotgun to it. Nothing slowed it down. Great yielder, filled at least half a grocery bag, not sure exactly since I was choppin buds from mid august till late oct. Long before my cousins hash plants even started to bud.