Need Advice on first time grow setup


Active Member
I am planning on building an assembly line type grow op. Consisting of a 3 week cloner, 3 week veg, and then 9 week flower. I would move the veg to the flower after 3 weeks, move the clones to the veg and repeat until i have a full on assembly line. 14 plants per cycle, so in time i will have 14 x 3 plants in the flower room.

I am planing on using florescent for the clones, 250W MH light for the veg, and a 1000W HPS for the flower.

Also planning on using CO2, so I will seal off my grow rooms. My major question has to do more with ventilation. What is the optimal ventilation method? Also, would I get better yield if I used a bigger light for the veg? Should I use more than a 1000w per 14 plants for the flower?

Oh and im using areoponics. 1 min on, 5 min off, 24/7 .

my veg would be 18/6 light schedule. and i guess the flower would be 12/12 right?

Sorry if it sounds complicated, but I'm a bit nervous about starting my grow room without the perfect set up. I really want perfection, Cost is of no import as long as it increases yield.

thank you in advance
