need advice on growing 2 strains pics


Well-Known Member
Sup as titled, i am growing 2 azura
under 1x600hps in a 1200x1200x2000mm grow tent on 18hrs. i am un happy with the growth rate from seed. PH is 6.2 and EC is 2.0 this is 3 weeks from when i was having the over watering problem. what do you think ?

I am also growing 4 i think its candaheart or candy ? under 1x1000hps in a 1500x1500x2000mm grow room. Ph is 6.3 and EC is 2.1 ive added some nitrozime to these candys because they some how started to go to head in 18hrs light ??? im unsure if my clones i purchased were taken from a turned mother ? now these have been in for 3 weeks as well but i think they are slow because they are going back to grow mode. try and zoom in on the pic with my mates hand showing the V .

Im using canna vega and super thrive they are on clayball hyd with watering every 45 mins for 15.

as usual any help is very much welcomed and thanked ..



Well-Known Member
its so hard to follow threads that don't use thumbnails for pictures. You have to scroll across the screen to read the line, then scroll back to read the next, etc. You can stress plants early and they may never recover. I had one, never could figure out why, for 6 months that never got a foot tall. It looked like a perfect miniature of the plants around it. Bushy, green and short. After about 2 months I pruned the hell out of it to see if that would help. It grew leaves to fill in what I pruned out, all nice and bushy and green. Never recovered. Hope you have better luck. How do you over water clay pellets?? stick a gun to thier head and demand they hold more water?? Unless you drains are plugged up and they are sitting in water all the time?? You did just move the light up to take pictures, right?? VV


Well-Known Member
no i have the lights 300mm away from tops. and no i have 2 drain plugs and neither are blocked.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised at just how bushy they are
for how your room is setup.
It seems you might benefit from your
light more if you could setup your plants
in a vertical line, or pull them closer.

Other than that, you water alot but
they seem to like it so grow on...