Need advise!


Well-Known Member
I'm in week two of flowering and two out of my five plants leafs are starting to curl! Any advise? Yesterday they where nice and strait out but now like I said they are curled


Well-Known Member
You need to be more descriptive. Which way are they curling? What color are the leafs? Pictures?


Well-Known Member
only curling! before i had a yellowy look before i flowered but i fixed hat problem with cal/meg! Maybey i over watered them? next time i water will be 2 days and what i do is give three feedings of nutes... then fourth is just strait water!! should i give little water or allot to give a little flush? Is this normal to happen sometimes? iv never had this happen but i am a rookie as well


Well-Known Member
If there's no burns on them then you didn't over feed so you don't need to flush. If you've been doing a lot of watering and the soil is wet then they could be curling/drooping due to over watering. Does the soil seem wet or is it bone dry?


Well-Known Member
woke up this morning and evan worse!purplr leaf 002.jpgpurplr leaf 003.jpg leaf on top is going purple (i think burn?) what should i do?