Need experianced advice on Light Pollution

ok so i got 4 babies growing outdoors in Cali and i have a 200 watt flood light that can't be turned off at night due to security reasons about 15 ft away. So the problem is it keeps them from going into flowering because its on all night long. Anyways i had them shadowed from the light at night but i took that down after a fellow grower said they will be fine just bud a little later then usual. If thats the case then theres the worry about the weather and the frost. Any advice on what i should do is GREATLY appreciated .


Active Member
I think they will start their bloom as usual. Take in consideration that wild plant deal with the moon and everything that surround it.

For the weather and the frost you ll be fine for a while. When frost season begin you could always put them inside for the few weeks left to your cycle. That is just an idea! :D

Hope it helped!

Good day to you!