need help building a bong. need someone experianced


Well-Known Member

this was my idea to avoid having to cut a hole in the vase

red- airtight cap

will this work? im thinking there might not be enough air sucking to make it bubble. but i dont really know what im talking about so i could use some help.


New Member
empty toliet paper roll = $0.00
little piece of tin foil = $0.02
4 small pieces of tape = $0.02
toothpick from take out restaurant = $0.00

Getting blazed? = PRICELESS


Well-Known Member
kodank you can help me out.
im all set with most of the bong. the water bubbles and it will hit nice..the bowl and place to hit out of is at the top of the vase. but now all i need is a hose to suck out i need some ideas for that. something i can find around my house would be nice.


Well-Known Member
ok so i made the bong. got a nice hose and theres an extra hose/hole that i covered up but if i wanted to i could have two people hitting it. so its pretty sweet and i dont need anymore help hahah. so this was pointless.