Need Help Cfls to Start Heat from 600w Grow Light


Active Member
Ok so my grow room is gonna be in a loft compartment i'm going to get a 600w grow light for 3/4 plants.
my grow box will be for side and a base no top (hanging light) will this be a problem??.

it will have 3/4 plants inside
to start i think ill need a few cfls just until the plants have grown a bit then ill use 600w grow light i'm going to have an extractor fan on one of the sides off the box

how many cfls will i need to start the grow and keep the plants going until it efficient to use 600w grow light??

and is it warm white cfls that ill need to use for vegging??

will the 600w grow light still be too hot with a extractor fan in the box and the open top grow box??

heres the link for my 600w grow light

