Need Help fast!!


Active Member
ok so i have been watching my plants closely since I have re potted them. my big one is slowly dieing and is no longer growing. and i have another smaller one that i thought was doing ok then all the sudden all the leaves have started to turn yellow... well most of them and the set that isnt yellow the leaves are folding upwards. I dont think i over watered my plants... I have been watching the soil very closely making sure its not too wet 100% of the time... but yah if anyone can give me help thanks

PS here are some pics too.



Active Member
and also I was just thinking it could be the soil I am using if it helps the type of soil I'm using has cocnut husk and like other stuff from the tropics of asia... anywho heres a link to the exact stuff i got:


Active Member
I think you just shocked them... they will come back .. sing softly to them,, and gently stroke its stem..
Well I have been paying attention to them alot lately so the CO2 from mu breath should be effecient, and yah I'm sure i shocked them but the onlu thing i gotta try to do is hope they dont stay in shock and hopefully my germination process works awsome for some new purple sticky iky seeds i found just recently.


Active Member
you may need to flush it and translplant it into some rich MG
I amy trying to get away from MG soil because thats what i had it in and this is the pot I'm groing it in till its done and finished budding and i wanted a more natural soil for that I dont want to smoke fertilizers and i dont want to sell I want to smoke what i grow... so hopefully the plants will get out of this slump fast especially the one small plant or i think they could die