need help hooking up reverse osmosis


Active Member
I hooked up my reverse osmosis but it says not to hook the drain up downstream from the garbage disposal, I only have one sink so that leaves me nowhere to hook the drain up to. any help is appreciated.
Hook it up. You will be fine. I have ran several from there. Sometimes there is no option, I think that they say bacteria may creep back through the lines. Highly doutful though. If you are just using it to water and not drink you will be fine. If you are drinking it, then it MAY contain bacteria.


Active Member
hmm... would it be ok to hook it up past the trap, and install another trap? There isn't enough space for a tee to fit in between the garbage disposal and the trap. I definitely want to drink it :) It's funny, I posted on here and emailed them at the same time, I get better customer service from you guys than GE. BTW, think my landlord will mind me doing a little of my own plumbing?


Active Member
If you have a dishwasher, the drain should be connected to the garbage disposer.
If so put a tee in the dishwasher drain line close to the disposer,
If not, the disposer should have a ½ inch barbed fitting for a dishwasher drain that you can connect your R/O drain to. The fitting will have a plug inside that needs to be punched out.
(Make sure you fish the plug out of the disposer before you use it).



Active Member
I was offline for a while and ended up doing that exact thing. Thanks bbv. I have another smaller problem now. There is a whole near the base of the faucet and it leaks water. It isn't bothering me since it goes directly into the sink but I want to be sure the system is still working