Need help identifying start of PM


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

One of my HSO chemdawg plants has a fan leaf with small white dots on its surface next to it's main 'vein.' These white dots look spherical, small, and are fully white under a 60x loupe. They almost look like eggs/cloudy trichome heads. Fortunately these spots are only on one leaf in a three plant grow (that i know of)I just recently found out that chemdawg is very susceptible to PM/Gray mold and so i am freaking out lol:spew:
Plants are 3 weeks old and looking very healthy - AVG TEMPS 72-78
AVG RH 45-55%
As seedlings they were at 55-60% RH sometimes up to 65% and 72-76 --they started out in an open tent (door + windows open) with no exhaust/intakes on..i slowly added a breeze on em as they got older (days 1-10). I also let in fresh air from an open window here and there. I had an exhaust/passive intake setup for the second week.The tent has been fully closed and has had more than enough ventilation/circulation for the past week. Under shitty viparspectra LEDs (noticed faster seedling/preveg growth) compared to my 4000k qbs

IMG_9859.JPG IMG_9850.JPG IMG_9873.JPG


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Well-Known Member
Don't freak out...just keep an eye on her. You're obviously paying attention. If it gets worse you're way ahead of the game in treating it.
yeah, maybe too much attention lol idek if it is PM, I tried rubbing it off with my finger and it ain't coming off. Could it be possible that these 'white spots' are actually The sexual spores setting themselves in/waiting for environmental conditions and not the asexual fruiting bodies? I remember reading that PM has a sexual and asexual stage...

Whyyy did I have to choose a hard ass susceptible strain to grow :(

And if it really is the beggining stages of PM, would you guys keep at it/start controlling w/ green cure, etc or is it not worth it as I read PM can be systemic/bad for you to smoke even if the spores aren't 'active'

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Well-Known Member
Does not appear to be PM to me, check bottom of leaves, use a magnifying glass or jewelers loupe and see if you see any tiny bugs, speckled spots on your leaves can be spider mites.