Need help identifying the problem


Ive noticed the last two days my plant has looked like this(see pic). It was like that before i watered, and even after watering still lookin like that. Used very little nutes probably 1/4 of the recommended dose. Keep in mind it does look more droopy than usual as this is the lights off period.IMG_20170920_012026.jpg IMG_20170920_011936.jpg IMG_20170920_011902.jpg


Well-Known Member
Some plants go like this and usually droop on and off till the end. Not much to worry about as long as its still drinking/feeding normally.


Some plants go like this and usually droop on and off till the end. Not much to worry about as long as its still drinking/feeding normally.
Is it normal for tge leaves to curl downwaeds though? And as far as color, you think it looks healthy?