need help making hash

Brick Top

New Member
Ok i just pulled all my males and i dont want throw them away!! I want to make hash outof them! please help me?
If you were planing on making hash you should have thought ahead and purchased some bubblebags so you would be ready. That's the best way to make hash.


Active Member
If my guys are covered in enough trichs I hand rub them with CLEAN hands..... its time consuming but you dont need screen or bagys or anything like that just the heat generated from your hands and a little pressure. WARNING!-there is a method to the madness... you must collect the resin into a ball inorder for this to work the way you might want it to, just dont drop anything from your hands when you do this, otherwise your hash becomes contaminated and useless!

other than that there are many different way to make hash.... or oil!


Well-Known Member
yea man take a second type hash into the search and i bet about 1000 articles pop up. ive seen an overview o here that goes thru all styles.... bags, oils, density, screens, ice hash.... youtube a vid man it makes life real easy


Well-Known Member
well, if your interested in making ISO Hash.. its fairly easy. and is done with only a few steps.

if you want to know how to make it.. just let me know.

hell, I'm sure you can find information on making ISO Hash.. somewhere around the forums.

That's where I learned how to make it.

Good luck.

Brick Top

New Member
If my guys are covered in enough trichs I hand rub them with CLEAN hands..... its time consuming but you dont need screen or bagys or anything like that....
That breaks a large number of trichome heads and you will lose some of the 'inner goodness.'

It is similar to how hash from the finest screen bags when making bubble hash is not as good/potent as from the screen/bag before it. The last bag with the finest screen will catch/capture many broken trichome heads that passed through other screens but they are more plant-matter than complete trichome heads and lack some of what they previously contained. The same happens when you rub trichomes off of leaves.


Well-Known Member
well, if your interested in making ISO Hash.. its fairly easy. and is done with only a few steps.

if you want to know how to make it.. just let me know.

hell, I'm sure you can find information on making ISO Hash.. somewhere around the forums.

That's where I learned how to make it.

Good luck.
Yeah I was actually wondering if you could fill me in on how to make that ISO Hash


Active Member
Yeah I was actually wondering if you could fill me in on how to make that ISO Hash
ok take it from me...i just made some iso hash the other day...yes it was for the first time but its extremely easy, simply, inexpensive...and fast...

what you wanna do is get yourself some iso rubbing alcohol. NOT denatured...must be iso-whatever it is (forget what its called but it starts with iso) you wanna get 99% iso rubbing alcohol (ideally). it costs $1 per bottle usually (and one bottle will be enough for a batch unless like have like 20 plants haha)... once you get iso alcohol (which can be bought at nearly any store that sells groceries or walmart, target, dollar stores) you need a jar (a mason jar would be great.) you also need a coffee filter (paper filters work you'll need 2 as one may be to thin and all plant matter in your hash).

you take the mason jar...add in all your plant matter (can even be shake and buds if you really had some low quality bud) even put stems if you got them (they too have thc). fill it up with iso alcohol JUST ENOUGH that you have all the plant matter under the alcohol.

then shake it up to hell...i shook mine for about 5-10mins.... by now the alcohol should look green...use only healthy plant matter (no dead material).

get yourself a Large plate or something with as big of a flat bottom surface as you can...(will dry faster this way)...pyrex plates are ideal.

you want something to pour it on thats easy to scrape with a razor blade.

you put the coffee filter on the top of the jar (i used rubber bands to keep it secure while i drained it...u could just hold it with your handS) pour the jar (through the filter) onto the plate...all plant matter should remain in the jar as the rest (the green colored alcohol) should be on the plate...this can take awhile to drain all the patient...

once it drys on the plate put it in a well ventilated area (outside would be better...keep an eye for bugs as you dont want them crawling in it) and let it dry. once its 100% dry it will take on a golden or golden brown color. once its dry and you can no longer smell any alcohol (this is important...dont scrape if its not dry enough that you cant smell it...iso alcohol will evaporate so if it smells its not finished)...

you now simply get your razor and scrape it clean...(or clean as possible).

now its ready to use.

thats it...quick can boil the green colored alcohol (once you drain it from the plant material) to get it to dry quicker but its better to just be patient and put it outside....i mean alcohol is you really wanna chance burning your kitchen/house down just to get your hash quicker? i didnt wanna chance that....

if you must do it use caution.

and dont let the iso dry on the plate inside without good ventilation...its not good to inhale all that can be very damaging. be careful.

other than that enjoy a quick, inexpensive way to make hash. im happy with how mine turned out. hope you have the same luck but thats exactly what i did beginning to end and got great results.


Active Member
well that is the process...

just pour all your plant matter (you have to break it up some but dont make it so fine that it can go through the coffee filter) other words dont do like i did during my first attempt...i grounded it up in a blender and then once its too late i realize its way too fine...some got through so i had to toss it...

1) pour plant matter into a jar (a mason jar would work)...
2) pour enough iso 99% alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) to completely cover the plant material (no more no less).
3) put lid on jar...shake vigorously for now iso alcohol should be a greenish color
4) put 2 paper coffee filters upside down on the jar (the edges of the filter should be over the jar)
5) get a large plate (or surface easy to a pyrex plate or glass table works...make sure its clean 1st)
6) turn the jar upside down (now the filter should be rite side up) and hold it over the plate until all the alcohol is drained...ever drop!.
7) once all is drained onto the plate you should be left with a green looking iso mixture free of plant matter
8) place outside (ideally for quick drying) out near a window with good air circulation (be careful of the fumes...its flammable and could harm you if you ingest in the fumes /inhale too much)

once its dry get a razor and scrape your should look a golden or golden brown when dry.

its usable at this point.

hope it helps.

purple kush16

Active Member
Ok i did everrything you told me but its taking forwaver to filter out and look like gree water is that what ir suppoce to look like


Active Member
im not sure...matters on humidity and whether you have it outside or will take longer inside...outside it will evaporate much faster.

if you were careful NOT to get any plant material in it then it will dry to a golden or golden brown color...when it looks like that (and you cant smell any alcohol) then its dry...begin scraping with a razor...find something to put it a carmex jar...they are small and good for storing some hash.

so far it sounds like you got it just patient and wait for the full dry...if you wanna try to speed it up you can try a hair dryer on a low setting (you dont want to knock the alcohol off the plate)...only do this if you're in a wont damage quality and you'll have less of a chance of a fire than heating it on the stove.

when its dry upload a pic and i can tell you 4 sure if you did it long as its golden brown and dry/sticky feeling then its fine...go ahead and put it on sum buds and smoke it...or feel free to consume anyway you choose.

iso alcohol (especially the 99% kind) will evaporate leaving you with nothing but pure thc...the iso alcohol separates the thc from the plant matter...

so enjoy and let me know if you have any issues.

purple kush16

Active Member
Yeah i have it in a big grass bowl outside i can see threw the green now and at the bottle ot look brownish black!!! What is the best way to smoke hash? Does it get you more high than a weed budd?


Active Member
Yeah i have it in a big grass bowl outside i can see threw the green now and at the bottle ot look brownish black!!! What is the best way to smoke hash? Does it get you more high than a weed budd?
well it could take awhile but eventually the alcohol will fully evaporate leaving it looking real crusty and drity with the brown/golden brown look...thats when you scrape.

if you have a pipe its possible to simply put sum in the bowl and smoke it...i've heard you can vaporize it (kind of) with a spoon or something that can handle heat (not tin foil its bad for you) and heat it up with the hash in it and suck the steam/vapor etc when it rises...

i dont do any of that...i usually coat the bud im gonna roll (i usually smoke j's n blunts only) and roll it as will make the bud much more potent.

what hash is the the extraction of thc from the plant (thc is what gets you high) so even though the hash wont seem like a lot trust me it is...its going to be very strong...

you can even rub hash on some bud and smoke it in a bowl...

let me know how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
2 Questions

Does the plant material need to be dried out?

How much Hash can you expect to get from 1 medium sized male plant, or female after harvest?