Need help on my new hydro setup. ++reps++


Active Member
I have the Ebb & Grow system. I need to know what the ppm needs to be when I start my seeds? I also need to know if I can start my seeds under MH? I have heard yes and no to this question. I had a buddy that started under MH and killed his plants. The guy at the grow place said I could start under MH if I used a screen to block some of the light.


Thanks in advance:)


Active Member
i would use just ph water at first is it straight tap r/o bottle water or out of well what nutes you using??? if you were straight out the tap i would use just straight ph'd water for a week or until you start to see the cotylodens (if thats how you spell it) turn yellow, then add 1/4 reccommended dosage ie if it say to use 4ml per liter you use 1ml per liter,you could also use superthrive for stress, what is the wattage of mh personally for the first 2 weeks i would just use flouro's or cfl's what have you got. i allways do it as soon as the seed pops i class the first 2 weeks as seedling after that its veg so for the first 2 weeks i would use low wattage then use your mh in the start of veg i think they could get lumen shock if you use mh straight away not 100% on that though but i'm pretty sure so i would not risk it jus my 2 pennies


Active Member
Yes I was going to use tap water. I tested the tap earlier and the ph was 9.6. Not sure what the nutes are. Was planning on using what came with the setup. Ill check and let you know.

The MH is 1000 watts.

Thanks for your help!


Active Member
wow that water is high if you can let water sit for 24 hours to let chlorine evaporate, then ph water to 5.4 that way it can drift up slowly over the week dont add any nutes at first just let the seed use the tap water, until you start to see yellowing happening then dump your res water fill system back up would be help if you a container that you could store water in the night before you dump res water so most chlorine evaporate's, now add your nutes which ever brand your using at 1/4 strength the reccomended dosage on the bottle, if your using 2 part a+b nutes mix in the A part first let it move round your system for approx 15 mins then add equal amount of part B nute let it go round for same time 15 mins then ph your water to 5.3/5.4 this way you allow for ph to drift up slightly an use all availiable nutes, over the next week you can increase your nutes to 1/2 strength or even full strength let them have the 1/4 strength for about a week so they get use to the nutes if they look like they need more after the 5-6 days add little bit at a time in parts a+b in equal strength but give a little time inbetween part a an part b,if the mh light is all you have raise as high as you can as some said 3ft, that 1000 watter is gonna give of some heat, personally for the first couple of weeks i would use flouro's mate 1000w will be great for flower an veg but i would not do seedling with it,theres a rule with hydro k.i.s.s, keep it simple if its your first time doing hydro dont worry about everybody using all these additive's you can at a later date when you feel more comfatable, you can achieve same results just using a simple grow an bloom formula 1 part or 2 part, try to keep water around 64-69 degress make sure no light is hitting water an allways ph water to 5.4 hope this helps


Active Member
Thanks everyone!!!

Yes I do know 9.6 is BAD! Hoping it wont be too hard to get the ph right!

I really wanted to use the MH to start. I could possibly get a fluro I just didnt really want to have to mess with it too... What if I start out with clones instead of seeds? Then would I be ok with MH? The light would be about 4 ft above plants.

Thanks NothingToDeclare you are the man! lol I definetly just want to keep things simple. Before I start I would be able to leave the water sit in the 55 gallon drum for 24 hours but after that I am pretty much screwed. I dont have anywhere to store the water. The grow room is pretty cold with lights off it is 66. So Im hoping heat wont be too much of an issue...


Well-Known Member
my ph was really high on my tap water too. It didn't matter how many times I adjusted it within a day it would go right back as I guess the water company is using something with a ph buffer in it.

I now just buy distilled water with a PPM of 3 and a low ph. It may cost me $2.42 per 2 1/2 gallon jug but it was a pain in the azz to fight the tap water.


Active Member
my ph was really high on my tap water too. It didn't matter how many times I adjusted it within a day it would go right back as I guess the water company is using something with a ph buffer in it.

I now just buy distilled water with a PPM of 3 and a low ph. It may cost me $2.42 per 2 1/2 gallon jug but it was a pain in the azz to fight the tap water.
Thats what Im worried about! That it is going to be a big pain in the azz!