Need Help On What Kind Of Hot Pepper Is This?


Hi all. Today I went to visit my grandma and when I was leaving she gave me this hot pepper. My friend's friend grew the same kind but he didn't know what kind it was but I have a single one. I know its hotter then a jalapeno because I can eat thoes easly but these ones are hotter. I also want to know if its possible to take the seeds from this pepper and grow it out. A good video on how to would be awsome help.

Here's a pic of the pepper that was given to me
I dk.jpg

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
Its kinda like weed. IF you dont know for sure what strain it is, its "Bagseed" or "Unknown" but you can make a good guesstimate of Indica, Sativa, or rudaralus dominance.

IF its mild to Hot ... Its likely in the Capsicum Annum genre, IF its Really Hot, to Unfit for Human consumption way too F****ing HOT... than it could be Capsicum Chinensis [which its the wrong shape for] or Capsicum frutescens. It kinda looks like a Tabasco.... which limps in at a weak 5 of a 1-10 scale where Bhut Jolokia is a 15++

YES you can save seed. Simply cut it open, and dry the seeds on the counter in a paper towel or coffee filter. However, if you dont know what it was OR what it was crossed with.. generally any other pepper within 10ft away... then there is no garauntee the seed will produce the same pepper. IF its Hierloom, you have a better chance. If its a hybrid, it will likely revert back to the dominant variety it was crossed with.

Definitely its not a Bhut Jolokia... it doesn't have the knobbly bumps, and most people remember special ordering those and paying 50 cents per seed.

Defitnly not a Federal Agent Pepper.. which looks exactly like a Federal Agent.....


aaa. Thank you for your help. I was thinking it was a Tabasco or a Chili Pepper. It does have heat to it but not totally like tabasco


Active Member
serranos i have the real tabasco peppers thewre like one inch peppers and the taste like tabassco without the vinegar for sure a serrano


Well-Known Member
those are serrano jalapeno my dad told me their hot,a new challenge for me nothing is hot for me,i eat jalapenos like apples :D