Need help picking out Strain.


Well-Known Member
not to sure about trainwreck being a fast grow i grew it and it took 14 weeks, was a good smoke though


Active Member
trainwreck 9 weeks
Jack Herer........ no high yeild unless your experienced.... needs to be grown tall. Tree like for good yield.
Go here :click and search high yield then select the lowest flower time. unless a lowryder your looking at 7-8 weeks min from flowering not seed.
Take a look at "60 day wonder".
Generally fast growth/short time = lower yield. you'll have to look for a comprimise.
theres a bud called wrex and it flowers in 32 days, i use it to replace my endocets and i take 20-660mg (20 of oxycodone and 660 of Tylenol) but its only about an ounce or 2 per plant but its really strong and not for the weak so be careful when you smoke it. hope this helps and also if you want taller and your baby girl to put all her power into the top and the flowers trim all the side branches and she will shoot up with all her might(=


Well-Known Member
most of nirvanas strains are pretty good. deff my favorite.. my white widow and super skunk yielded 2-3+ ounces and only took 8-9 weeks.