NEED HELP! plant is dying, PICS


Active Member
My plant is about 1 month 2 weeks old and was doing fine until about 2 days ago, the bottom leaves all turned colors mostly yellow and white and some black spots, then yesterday ones closer to the top started turning. Its growing under 5 23w cfls and its on 24/0 i havent given it any nutes yet because i dont know everything about them, i transplanted it today to a bigger pot with better soil. Well any help would be greatly appreciated. THANKS:bigjoint:



Active Member
Re-pot it in new soil with no - less than half strength nutrients.

Its a weed it really doesn't need nutes it should grow fine without for a while.

Release lady bugs, into your garden, or use tomato garden pesticides to kill off any un-wanted guests.

If this problem consists through flowering take a damp sponge and wipe the leaves gently to control any bug problems until harvest time.

Also check how close your lights are maby your lights can be burning the leaves.


Active Member
To be honest if your plant is only that large after 2months then it was not doing fine to begin with(unless it is a very small strain like lowryder but it does not look like it.). With regard to the soil if you use some type of mixture of soil,sand,permiculite, worm castings or bat droppings, and a little premix you should not use any NUTES. Nutes come in to play after about a month/month in a half when the plant begins to flower. At this time the plant has used the worm casting or bat dropings and the NUTES are needed. but you have to be careful with the amount of NUTES you use especially if your soil is crap because the NUTES will just stay in the soil and you will end up killing your plant. Its best to be conservative with your watering and nute application if you are new to growing


Well-Known Member
Yea Yo Plant Is A Little To Small To Be Even A Month But I Say Add 1/4 Strengh Nutes. A Good One To Get Is From Lowes Its Called Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food Its In A Green Bottle Use That It Should Help. But Check Out My Grow N Tell Me What You Think "New To CFL Growin"