Need help please! Plant aint looking to hot!!


DSCF1006.jpgDSCF1004.jpgi need help asap with my plant here its been budding for about 2weeks now and all of sudden it took a turn for the worst. i need some help this is my first grow. i really could appretiate some major help please!


New Member
what have u been giving it cause like he said it is burned
clip that dead stuff off
transplant in deeper pot and bury a bunch of the stem


the pots one sq foot, i need a bigger one? just water. earlier i little bat guano and a table spoon of bloo meal. do u think if i just transplanted it into a fresh pot of organic soil will turn it around? ha ill do anything i can i really dont want her to die. thanx for the help
ps what do u mean by burn, like too much light or over fertilization?


ha ha. Sorry man but that is one sad looking plant. You'll get the hang of it. Growing is something you have to do time after time to really get the hang of it. You will get it down. What is the temperature in your grow room? you Don't want it to get to hot. They say definitely not over 85 degrees. I usually try to keep it around 78 degrees. You can burn a plant by adding to many nutes. A plant can take some serious light so Its probably not that. good luck man.


Active Member
I know the dead leaves are leading many to say it has been burned, but I don't see the tell-tale signs of over fertilization on the top leaves. If nute burn is happening those leaves should be showing brown around the edges and looking as if they had been ... well ... burned. With the droop, my guess is that this is over-watering and the roots have rotted.