Need help - random leaves dying


Active Member
I have a plant that is about 3 weeks into flowering and I have noticed that leaves are dying up at the rate of about 1 leaf per week.

It seems to be in random spots (mostly towards the bottom of the plant)

I noticed it when I flipped my lights on last night, another dead 5 fingered leaf so I just pulled it off. The rest of the plant is green and healthy and doesn't seem to have any real issues

Any ideas?


Active Member
I have fans on them.
I dont mist them because I was under the impression it wasn't a good idea during flowering


Active Member
Could be a nitrogen deficiency, how are the trichs looking?

Yeah, I would say medium.

I just thought it was odd that it was only happening one at a time (in such random places) at a fairly slow rate.

To be honest I am not really worried, everything else looks great......I just thought I would hit up the pro's here and see if I should worry


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