need help to slow down growth


Active Member
Hey folks

So I've got a beautiful lady in soil. She's 6 weeks old and abt 8" tall. I've got another 2 newly rooted clones in dwc.

Here's the dilema: I want to flower them at the same time, and dont want the soil lady to over grow. Is there any way to slow her down and let the clones catch up? I have em all vegging under hps, but I could put the pot under fluro. Will this slow it down enough and let the lil ones catch up?

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
um not really without stressing the plants..... if its an even canopy you want just put the smaller plants on risers, theres no point in stalling the growth of a plant, all your doing is costing you bud. if your plant isnt in flower yet you could top it, that would take about an inch or so off and stall the upward growth for at least a day or two


Well-Known Member
why do you want them to all be the same size? if its a matter of how close they are to the lights you can put things under the pots to make them closer, and by the time they all get ready to flower they will be pretty close to looking the same size.


Active Member
Well the clones are too small to flower, they'll need another 2-3 weeks. In that time, the plant in soil will be too big to put into flower (it'll out grow the space). Although it seems the one clone has just died (put it into dwc this morn (has fair sized roots), but it just wilted up real bad. Maybe not enough humidity? Put it back in the clone box, but fear it may be too late for her.