Need help!! Transplanting from indoors to outdoors!


Active Member
Hi, ive been growing these for about 4 weeks and they're about 10 inches tall. i realize that they should be bigger but i have inadequate light and i cant get more cause i still live at home. they look fine to me cept the biggest one is starting to get slilghtly droopy. anywayz i have to get them out of the house cause my electricity bill has skyrocketed in the past month. my best friend has a nature preserve behind his house that we r going to plant them in. i was jus wondering if they will be ok.....i will still visit them everyday and take care of them but i am a little worried about the weather conditions and elements...i live in florida so its always 70 and above. it also rains alot so i was wondering if it rains like soon after we re-planted them into the ground, will it destroy them??? if you have any suggestions or advice that would be great...oh and were probably going to move them tonight or tomorow cause i need them gone out of my house.....parents getting suspicious. thanks.:joint:



Well-Known Member
they will start flowering immed. if you put them outside now with less than 12 hours light and because the days are getting longer they will then start to revert to veg. they will be confused and probably not provide a good yield.


Well-Known Member
Good thing about marijuana plants, is that they are unpredictable. No one will know whats gonna happen until you do it.

So I say do it. Trial and error are what make the master gardener.

Are the days longer or shorter? Because its completely dark here in So.Cal at about 6:30PM


Active Member
umm...its completely dark at about 7-7:30 ish.....but we are having a cool front rite now so its like getting down to the high 40's but it picks up during the days to around low seventies.....will that be ok? oh and this is my first time (if u didnt notice) and do they die once theyve flowered or what?? thanks