Need help with Ebb&flow


Well-Known Member
Im running an ebb & flow scrog under a 1000 watt. Im doing 1 1/2 week veg time then a 9-10 week flower.

What i need help with:

I would like to get a perpetual grow going. I have a small closet upstairs that I could veg the plants in, then I would like to use my 10x10 room downstairs to only flower. Can anyone recommend a nice DIY tutorial to get a small soiless veg going in my upstairs closet under t5's? That way I can put new plants into my flower room approximately every 2 weeks. I have a cloner as well as a mother in my upstairs closet, as the clones dont veg up enough to take clones off of.

Any help is much appreciated.
I'd personally veg em properly, more the roots the more the shoots...

I don't know exactly what your after mate?

As for the cloner, you'll need to cycle & swap little frozen bottles of water to cool the res to 18-22c, once you take the cuts, leave the lid on till the stem strengthens up, then take it off 24-48 hours later, then anywhere from 24 hours to 10 days after that you'll have nice white roots on the cutts, leave another week or 2 then its ready for transplanting.

Put a bit clonex in the cloner when you first take cuttings, I've heard of people not using clonex, just leaves cuttings soaked in water for 24 he's then transplant straight to the aero cloner.

When roots show, make a 300ppm feed with a+b with a root stim... Don't overdo the ec in the cloner