Need help with germination


Ok what the hell I read up on how to germinate seeds. So I figured I would get one started. I got a paper towel and got it wet and put the seed in the middle and then I put it in between two styrofoam plates. And then I through it in my bottom dresser drawer. And it will be a week tomorrow I have had it germinating. And from what I have seen on the internet all the seeds have white looking roots coming out of them. So why does mine have hardly anything poking out and why is it green. Also I noticed that the seed was like fury on the outside for some reason? And I have to let it alone for three more days. So what do you reccomend I do? I got a pic here also. PLease answer quick... thanks!

The Docta



Well-Known Member
Ok what the hell I read up on how to germinate seeds. So I figured I would get one started. I got a paper towel and got it wet and put the seed in the middle and then I put it in between two styrofoam plates. And then I through it in my bottom dresser drawer. And it will be a week tomorrow I have had it germinating. And from what I have seen on the internet all the seeds have white looking roots coming out of them. So why does mine have hardly anything poking out and why is it green. Also I noticed that the seed was like fury on the outside for some reason? And I have to let it alone for three more days. So what do you reccomend I do? I got a pic here also. PLease answer quick... thanks!

The Docta
Want a fool proof way?

Grab some jiffy peat disks/starter cubes

15 cents each at your local hydro store or lowes, or home depot..

Put the disks in a pan of water..they will expand from the water.

Put the seed a 1/4 inch down into the peat after they have fully expanded.

Within one week you will see your plant pop up out of the peat!!!

This seems to be the best way.

Always works great for me :)


Well-Known Member
Some seeds just never germinate. And by now, yours is probably mush on the inside anyway. Here's what I do to germinate and it works every single time for every seed.

1: get 2 paper towels, run them under lukewarm water and squeeze some of the water out so that the towel is wet/moist but no dripping
2: put your seeds on the towel, fold it up a few times.
3: put the towel with the seeds inside a ziplock bag.
4: Put your bag in a dark and warm place. This is CRUCIAL. It must be dark and it must be very warm. I put mine on a plate in the boiler room.
5: don't touch them for 48 hours.
6: Go plant your beautiful germinated seeds and inch down in moist/wet soil, and put the ziplock bag over the pot (if it fits) or saran rap the top of the pot. This keeps the moisture in (but don't water yet)
7: Keep a close eye on them. As soon as they break the surface (which for me takes a day or 2), put them under a CFL.

Good luck. Hope this helps