need help with questions

i wanted to know 2 thing first how long does pollin last. and the sconed one is could i only polliante in one spot or will it pollinate the whole plant. thanks

or not


Well-Known Member
Polline stored properly will last about 30 days. You can pollinate localized areas of your plant without pollinating the entire plant. There are many ways to do this but the method I find easiest for me is to place put the pollen into a small jar or dish (glass is the best) then with all the fans turned off and other females out of the area you can go to work. I use an artists paintbrush, dipping the brush into the pollen and lightly dusting the pistils where I want to pollinate. I prefer the lower branches as I am not as likely to spread the pollen into areas I want left alone. Good Luck and let us know your results.