Need help with vegetative bat guano tea/ph?


I recently procured some vegetative bat guano 8-4-2. I read online that guano can bring up the pH to about 7-8 and some say that you can use molasses to bring back down the pH, is this true?

I need little watering (only one little plant)

So, for one cup of distilled water,
1. how much bat guano would be needed, a teaspoon?
2. as for molasses, (if it brings down the pH) how much would be needed?



Well-Known Member
If the plant is so small that it only needs 1cup, it's too little to be douching. Really.



Ok, well lets say I needed 1L. How much guano would i let seep overnight in the mixture? Would molasses bring the pH back down, how much would be needed?


Active Member
For a single lady, i would just topdress with a TBSP or two of your guano and water with some molasses mixed in, 10ml/gal or so, and PH wouldn't even cross my mind.


Well-Known Member
there are a couple stickys in the top of the organic forum, aact, organic feeding 101, both have a few recipes for guano teas, top dressing and feeding are where my best results are found.