Need help within a half hour


Active Member
I need to know is it better to water early or let them go dryer.I am going to be gone tomorrow and i usually water at 6 tomorrow night but I will not be there.Should i water about 16 hours early or 24 hours late,please help!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
24 hours late. Chances are you water them when they still have plenty in the soil. Watering them late will force them to show you if you are watering too much and will not hurt them. Watering early you might cause them to show some negative signs and you might shock them or stunt them for a few days.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
The problem with soil is each different compost will hold different amounts of moistures for different amounts of time. It's like buddy said in the other thread. There's a diiference between deep watering and light watering. Give your plant enough water to make sure it's ok when you get back.