Need help?


Active Member
Ok, Ive been reading all over this forum and can't find the answer I'm looking for. What is germinating and is it important?

I bought Mircro Gro Organic and mixed in with some other planting soil and earth from outside and mixed it and moistened it. Then planted the two huge perfect brown seed into it. I have a florecent light that is about 40 watts and is about 9" of the plant. Its only been a day and wondering if I'm doing this right.


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Germination is making the seed pop a root out you can use a wet paper towel but i prefer germing it in the soil by keeping it wet its the only time where i stick my fingeri n the soil to check if its dry enough. other than that i use a weight technique and i let my plants tell me when there thirsty when some leaves start drooping.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You should germintae them then plant them much better success rate and stronger plants.And remember 1 plant per container never more.Good luck


Well-Known Member
using outdoor soil.... cheap
using (1) 40w floro...... funny
cant find the answer to germination on a grow site......... PRICELESS


Well-Known Member
that it is .... that was the first thing i read when i was looking under the noob section .... i believe theres a post before all the member posts that says everything you need to know about growing ... and germing is the first part of it lmao