Need help!


I have been switching up my light hrs during veg; sometimes being on from 14 -18hrs. I noticed today that my ww has started to flower even tho, i haven't went to 12/12. Is this normal? Can it be saved, man i put to much time in this girl, to not see her bloom. Also, could there be other factor to why it seems to be flowering?


Well-Known Member
put the lights on for at least 18 hours a day and stop fucking with em lol. it will go back into veg.

I think its less than 16 hours of light a day that will generally trigger the flower cycle.


so i guess its like im revegging? How long before switching back to 18hr on, do i need to wait before 12/12?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
WTF??? If you want it to flower go to 12/12, if not, go back to 18/

You're only going to stress a plant by fucking around with its light cycle.