Need High Yielding AutoFlower Seed Recommendations

Ok heres the deelio, my landlord said I grow one small plant on my deck. I'm looking for an autoflowering strain that will finish in 70 days TOPS. First time grow, I'm in BC so take that climate into consideration.

Now heres what I'm looking for:

-70 Days TOPS
-Short/Medium height - under 1M
-High Yields

Potency is a plus, but I'm like a monthly smoker so I don;t have much of a resistance or whatever its called.

Thing is, I can only buy/afford/need one seed. So it looks like im ordering from these guys: since they sell single seeds.

Any reviews on them?

And of course now I need your guys suggestion what autoflowering one do you recommend?

Im thinking of this guy:

Any experiences? Cheers!


Active Member
Sensible seeds, but buy a 5 pack. Wouldnt hurt to germinate 3 and pick the best lady would it? As for auto flowering, only had one go at 'em, had no luck. Hope you get a killer 40lb tree on your porch!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm growing Big devil autos from attitude seeds, I bought them because they were cheap and I wanted to take part in the 420 deal.

If your ordering I suggest ordering between June 3-6 to get the free 9 seeds of different genetics. pretty sick deal.

Pics are big devil autos at day 17 from planting. Already 6 inches and starting secondary shoots. Looks like it's going to be a decent size when it's done.

I have two Eazyryders going as well which are supposed big yielders but they are half the size of the big devils.



New Member
Ummm... I might be missing something here, but, the OP said that he needs to be able to do this with only one seed. How's he gonna pull that off with anything if he's gonna be limited to growing from plant to plant? His setup even prevents him from keeping a mother plant.
Sensible seeds, but buy a 5 pack. Wouldnt hurt to germinate 3 and pick the best lady would it? As for auto flowering, only had one go at 'em, had no luck. Hope you get a killer 40lb tree on your porch!!!
Yea, now that I think about it, with all the things that could go wrong, I should spring for atleast more than one seed :P And sorry to hear about your AFs. I honestly would be doing iranian autoflowers since they seem beast, but I pretty much need this things done by the first week of August.

I'm growing Big devil autos from attitude seeds, I bought them because they were cheap and I wanted to take part in the 420 deal.

If your ordering I suggest ordering between June 3-6 to get the free 9 seeds of different genetics. pretty sick deal.

Pics are big devil autos at day 17 from planting. Already 6 inches and starting secondary shoots. Looks like it's going to be a decent size when it's done.

I have two Eazyryders going as well which are supposed big yielders but they are half the size of the big devils.
Definitely checking that out. Realized I should probably get more than one seed. And thos big devils look really nice, judging from the Autoflower journals I've read for 17 days those are definitely on the big end.

EDIT: Big Devil #2 50-300g per plant outdoor? Damn. I'm liking this!

Ummm... I might be missing something here, but, the OP said that he needs to be able to do this with only one seed. How's he gonna pull that off with anything if he's gonna be limited to growing from plant to plant? His setup even prevents him from keeping a mother plant.
Can't have mothers with Autoflowers. With AFs its basically one plant per seed.


Personally i'm growing snowryder and bcn diesel..both femanised autos....but i read one of the highest yielding autos is russian rocket fuel..spend the money for a femed. seed and order 2 or 3 just in case you fuck one up or get a will be very dissapointed waiting to get your SINGLE seed and have it be get my seeds from 30 bucks worth and they send you 2 free femed seeds..and top shelf at that...good luck..and not sure about climate in b.c


Well-Known Member
Those are what I am growign the big devil 2. They are way bigger then the other autos I'm growing and I've heard people getting decent yeilds with them.
Thanks for all the input guys. Its official looks like I'm going to go with Big Devils #2. Going to pick up 3 seeds from attitude. Thinking of doing a grow journal :D


Well-Known Member
you sez youre growing a plant on your deck? like outside? gonna need more light than sun, less you get direct sunlight build a little cab, like a rubbermaid with a coupla cfl's. im not in BC, or anywhere near it, so good luck with that. do you use farmers' almanacs like we(jingoistic, gun-toting Americans) do?
you sez youre growing a plant on your deck? like outside? gonna need more light than sun, less you get direct sunlight build a little cab, like a rubbermaid with a coupla cfl's. im not in BC, or anywhere near it, so good luck with that. do you use farmers' almanacs like we(jingoistic, gun-toting Americans) do?
Nope, don't use almanacs. I'll be honest, not much of a grower/farmer. First I'm growing any plant... lol And my deck does get direct sunlight for the majority of the day. Minus sunset cause some big trees block it... But when the suns the strongest, it hits my deck direct. I'm only going to sprout probably 2 seeds. And the other devil + free fem northern lights I'll save if my outdoor grow fucks up and I'll build myself a small CFL indoor grow box.
big devil defo a plus 4 yeild if done in perfect conditions i have 5 on the go and there huge now at 28 days and producing bud sites all over already cant find the lead to upload gonna sort it asap an il put a pic from every week on for yous to judge they really are huge so keep a eye out folks im sure u will like the look of them good luck peeps