need input on cfl?? advice please

my clones look like shit i had about 15 of them off the mother i made the mistake by giveing about 13 of them a lil nut n fried all but 2 of them. thes last 3 i had been giveing them sunlight and 2 100w cfls for about 4 days now.. i later found out that giveing them half sun n half cfl is not good... i am going to use cfl lights and i got two 100w cfl bulbs per clone.. how far should i keep them from n how many hrs should i give them light a day ??



Well-Known Member
I don't see why sunlight would be bad for a plant, ever.

CFLs need to be an inch or two away from the plant to be the most effective. I'd give them 24 hours of light until you're ready to flower them.


Well-Known Member
I have mine going outside for the daylight hours and back under cfl's at night. I just started doing this a week or so ago due to hot outside temps. so far no problems at all. as a matter of fact they seem to like it alot.