Need input review on a few strain plz help


Well-Known Member
need advice on a few strain like the title say

if you know one of those plz give me your input
!: auto bubble by female seeds
2: cheese berry by 00 seeds
3: la musa by delicious seed

Btw these are all autoflower ty for you time guy and gal


Well-Known Member
I don't have much to say about the strains on your list. It has been my experience that most of those who post on Seeds and Strains are not inclined to grow autos. most will try to persuade you to go 12/12 from seed on regs or fems and choose genetics that are not watered down - autoflower. good luck and for what it is worth I think female seeds and delicious have some decent strains in their inventory.


Well-Known Member
thx for the reply mate and yeah i know lot of people arent fan of auto but i need to see with my own eyes to judge this ;)thx again and let hope i find one that did grow those in the meantime ;P