Need Neut Coaching. Pics.


I'm still a noob, but I have done a shit ton of homework. And feel like I have built a good setup. I have about 10 plants all from seed 5 are 6 weeks veg, and the other are 3-4 week. I have them in soil.
They are in 2 closets, all under 400W MH Bulbs.
Temp 70-85
I have been feeding them Alska Fish Fert. (5-5-1) every other watering.
I mix 1 tbs with a quart of water in a squirt bottle. I soak the soil and then water.
My questions are...
Am I giving them enough water? 5oz per plant when soil is dry.(about every other day)
Are they getting enough Neuts?
Are the Neuts I am using correct?
Will I need to change Neuts when I flower?
How do i check Ph? Do i check soil, water, or neuts?



Active Member
I'm still a noob...
Am I giving them enough water? 5oz per plant when soil is dry.(about every other day)
Are they getting enough Neuts?
Are the Neuts I am using correct?
Will I need to change Neuts when I flower?
How do i check Ph? Do i check soil, water, or neuts?
Give them water till they piss a little out the bottom of the pots.
They look like they are getting enough, for veg as a general figure most people shoot for stuff close to 20-20-20.
You can give them whatever nutes you want. Your ratio looks a little funky, more like a flowering ratio.
It's best if you do. Flowering ferts have a highest middle number and slightly lower number on the first. This just an example and they can range all over but something like 10-20-15.
Checking ph can be done with a simple fish aquarium test kit to test your water. Then you'll need some sort of ph meter for the soil. (You can get one for like $15 off amazon. e-bay or wherever.) Or an electronic one for testing ph and ppm in a hydro type setup. I'd say the most important thing to ph would be the water you give them which can be adjusted with a ph up/down kit or just use a dash of vinegar to go down or baking soda to go up.

*A couple other easy little things you can add to your nutes here and there is a teaspoon of molasses (black strap is ideal) and/or a pinch of Epsom salt for mag.

Peace. =)


During vegi stage you want more nitrogen in your fertalizer and a pretty balances phos and potasium, what I'm usin is 5-3-3 (N-P-K). Just buy a ph tester from lowes,wallmart or home depot, they are like 7-18 bucks and they can test water and the soil PH. You wanna check all 3 soil, water, and your water with the neuts and adjust it,(PH of soil after watering should stay about 6.7-7.0) Once its time for flowering you'll need more P in your neuts and less N-K .


I have a cheap ph meter you can see it in pic #8 and 9 but its always at 7. So I don't really trust it. I have also heard of adding multi vitamins to your water. Anyone heard about that?