
Active Member
Live in SANTA CRUZ California.

I live in a double tenant house with a tenant whose a father with two high school kids. So basically the upstairs tenant complained about the smell of my 6 legal plants. He says that the stench is real bad, but my roommates and myself can barely smell it? He accused me of causing a power outage that caused his son's X-box to fry. when our whole downstairs had nothing running because we were all gone for break. Not just that, he said that he could not celebrate his son's birthday at the house because of the smell, but I heard many people singing the happy birthday song on the 8th, and his birthday was on the 8th.

Bottom Line: He is going to rat on me to the landlord. Then going to try to sue me for the nuisance, possible fire hazard threat and try to tell the police that I deal, which I definitely do not.

The CATCH: He is telling me to pay him $1,500 (X-Box and for nuisance) in a few days and claimed that he wouldn't open his mouth.

HARD Evidence: All I have is a few texts that definitely can be viewed as blackmail.

Any PROFESSIONAL thoughts?


Active Member
What about the possible fire hazard part? He said sent his kids elsewhere to sleep for however long due to the smell / fire hazard. I am going to take down my legal op at 6.5 weeks down flowering because I don't want to take any chances. Also, my lease is up in 10 days. I'm actually going to an attorney today to get more legal info about my situation.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
What about the possible fire hazard part? He said sent his kids elsewhere to sleep for however long due to the smell. I am going to take down my legal op at 6.5 weeks down flowering because I don't want to take any chances. Also, my lease is up in 10 days. I'm actually going to an attorney today to get more legal info about my situation.
Sounsd like that guy is just a huge of those assholes that just cant live and let live.
well, do what you want, but I certainly wouldn't harvest early and waste all the hard work put into my crop because of one uptight guy....your in the right and your legal, he tries to make you seem like a bad person, fuck him, hes blackmailing you. No matter what happens just fight for your rights bro...dont let these type of ppl get to you...


Well-Known Member
What about the possible fire hazard part? He said sent his kids elsewhere to sleep for however long due to the smell / fire hazard. I am going to take down my legal op at 6.5 weeks down flowering because I don't want to take any chances. Also, my lease is up in 10 days. I'm actually going to an attorney today to get more legal info about my situation.
your legal, its discrimination if they try to kick you out of your apartment cuz u use a certain legal medicine.....sue the bitch if she tries to,you cant be discriminated against for any legal activity or use of legal substances


Well-Known Member
His lease is up in 10 days and he's moving anyway. You have no worries and if you have proof of the blackmail just go to the police and let them bust the man for blackmal it's a serious charge and you can help snare him in the act and give that asshole a felony.

Do it man, seriously do it please, he needs it, it's karma.


Do it man, seriously do it please, he needs it, it's karma.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. blackmail is illegal. These days too many people think that they can impose their own will upon others that they look down upon. Using discrimination, and scare tactics to control another person, is NEVER alright, and I'm betting that you're not the only one that this person has..or is targeting. Don't stand for this, you're protecting us all if you do something about it. Your getting sent a clear message here...SEND ONE BACK. And don't pull your crop, you worked hard for it, and you NEED it. Hope you find a great new place with awesome friendly neighbors!


Cali- the land of law suits. Man I miss living there. Harvest the bud off one of your plants, wait until the day you leave, take the skeleton and stick it on his balcony and call the cops on him for growing without being legal.


New Member
His lease is up in 10 days and he's moving anyway. You have no worries and if you have proof of the blackmail just go to the police and let them bust the man for blackmal it's a serious charge and you can help snare him in the act and give that asshole a felony.

Do it man, seriously do it please, he needs it, it's karma.
Exactly. U keep that proof of blackmail.... And unplug ur carbon scrubber. Show him what stank really is. No joke ur within ur rights. Tell him to fornicate himself with his kids xbox and smoke on. U have NOTHING to worry about.
And even if u did sign a clause forbidding illegal activities he rented to u while u were carrying a card. I had this same thing happen and I'm still here. My landlord hates me and if I step out of line at all I'm sure I'm gone but within 25ft of my apartment u can smell what's goin on. She tried to evict I fought it stating she rented to me knowing I held a perscription and they said it would be unlawful for my lease to be terminated on these grounds... And I'm in oregon I'd imagine cali is even more lieniant


Active Member
Dude not to be a dick or anything but your being really paranoid for no reason dude *slap* snap the fuck out of it......
That guy doesnt have one thing on you.. fire hazard how the fuck can you sue someone for a *firehazard* Your kitchen stove is more of a fire hazard? How does this guy even know your growing... smell or not why are you even wasting your time talking to this loser... Call the cops and tell them you have a legal Medical MJ card and your neighbor is trying to blackmail you for growing your medicine.

If everyone were like you and ran around with their heads cut off when something like this happend there would be no such thing as medical MJ ... why do you think you have that card? Because people have been fighting DAMN hard for you to have that.. Dont dare cop out on them because they didnt cop out on you

The way your talking in your posts i wouldnt doubt you already paid him the 15 hundred..

This is the kind of paranoid freakout you do when you dont have a legal card.. are you sure you have one dude? Are you sure its not fake or something? lol.... Cutting down your LEGAL crop early because some deutchbag nextdoor said something about fire? i would light a big bag of shit on his porch..


Well-Known Member
quoting a friend (kho) while talking about this guys landlord n an inspection of his apartment... i fought saying u r legal its america u have rights they cant do shit, but kho said this n made me think:

"dude id clean out for the day, im pretty sure you mite have to notify lanlords in advance to get the okay to grow the high humidity can cause mold and there are other inherit risks that go along with the practice, but while there there ask them what is the policy on prop 215 on there properties , explain that you have a med card and that you are authorized to grow by law but would like to kno if its allowed on the premises..... they mite already have a policy towards this since you said its a corpo company that deals with your property ..... itll give you insight on what they would do if you were to grow...lil do they kno its already going on.... but surprising them on a visit with a grow room full of a plant that is looked down upon could end up bad for you and even the inspector mite have thier own values against it .... well enough ramblin for me haha "


Well-Known Member
Wow that guy really hates weed. Your neighbor is a dick I would catch him on tape trying to blackmail you and tell him to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
Or u could kill him.. Drop his body in acid.. Boil down the bones to nothing.. Hire a small group of mexicans to do it I hear they only go for $50 a body, but they gotta use your tub.