need quick help with seedling plese


Well-Known Member
Rockwool only need be wet. you look like you got too much water.
Maybe you should try neutral ph (7) for first week or 2.


Active Member
i dont give my seedlings nutes for the first couple weeks, maybe this is your problem. they usually start turning a little yellow then i give them the first dose.


Active Member
i tryed to give only water at first time but was the same, they just stop growing at that point when first true leaves apears, i ruin hundred seeds and still cant get ower seedling stage, only few roots comes out of tha biger rockwool cube ant stops growin :( maybe its like you said for owerwater. maybe its to much water holds in that cube its the only thing that i havent tryed yet,maby rockwool cube need to dry out a little


Well-Known Member
I use a seedling tray (enclosed) with another one inside with mesh to raise rockwool up a bit and just make sure the bottom of the tray has a little water in it.

Best to use neutral ph water first.