need some advice on me buds! experienced grower needed.


Active Member
i m being forced to harvest my plant a little early due to bugs. i ve discovered them in a few of me buds.
i m in the 13 th week of 12/12 but the hairs of the crown bud, are still 50% white whereas the rest of the buds have 60/40% of the hairs brown.
i would of thought that the crown bud would of changed colour first but its the opposite on my plant.
would i be stupid to cut her down at this stage? even though theres bugs should i wait until the crown turns colour more? i m worried they ll spread to all the buds and ruin my smoke. what do the more experienced growers think? cheers.​

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
What kind of bugs? Are they damaging the plant? Some strains like white widow will pump out white pistils forever. You should get a magnifier at radioshack to examine your trichs. It's $13. Pistils are not necessarily an indicator of bud maturity.


Active Member
hi man. the bugs are either small green mutha s usually found on underneath of the small bud leaves; or some are black small little bastards. again found on the small bud leaves. exactly where its most sticky. i m not sure if there are more types. amongst these bugs is what i can only describe as saw dust spread about the buds. is this further lavae?
because the crown bud has nt gone over 50% brown i m leaving it grow at the mo, but i m worried the bud will be ruined and the bugs spread. its had 13 weeks on 12/12 so i d be expecting to harvest soon anyhow.


Active Member
smaller bud usually mutures faster go with majority of plant, better to smoke alittle early than have fucked up bud

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hmmm. I was going to say if it the little black fungus gnats, don't worry about it. But green bugs and sawdust type stuff, IDK. It might be a bit too late for neem oil. That stuff is good to spray on to prevent bugs but not so late in flower. I guess just monitor it real close and chop it if they start to affect the buds.


Well-Known Member
13 weeks is plenty for most strains. cut that plant and drop everything into water and drown those little bastards. after a few hours of drowning you can then trim and dry.


Active Member
She is ready for harvest even though only 50% of hairs are brown. Besides, it is better to harvest early than to loose her. Mine was ready by 12 weeks. If you really want to know pick up a mini micro 100X magnification at radio shack. When the trichomes haves turned mily white you can early harvest. If 50% are amber she is peak and if all amber, late harvest. The scope will save you and there is less guess work. The trichome color is more important then the hairs in determiong readiness. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
thats a long flower. sounds ready to me. I'd harvest it all. If they are black bugs its probably fungus gnats that grow from the soil. no big deal. they dont hurt the plant. They are just really fucking annoying ;)


Active Member
The longest flowering plant I have heard of is Nevilles Haze from Greenhouse seeds, and it can max out to 16 weeks. Most pure or almost pure sativa strains are a good two weeks short of that. If you have a problem with bugs now, chop those girls down ASAP. Based on your description I don't know what kind of bugs they are, therefore I can't advise you how to treat them, I did read a post advising you to 'drown them', I do not think this would be a good idea, but again I do not know what type of insect it is. GL