Need some advice. Pics.


Well-Known Member
no its really just nothing as your plants grow the lower leaves will die. it perfectly normal, you could add a little bit of nitrogen but id try to check your PH first. if thats ok (5-7) then id put in just a small amount of nitrogen to see if it helps. but other then maybe a bit of ph being off your plants look fine


Active Member
I got a better overall look on the bigger plant pic and your plants are doing fine, bottom leaves do that and drop off it's normal. It would help to make sure the soil does not get hard in the bucket and a little manure tea would be nice for them too.


Well-Known Member
i think its because your plants root are running out of room i grew in a 5 gallon bucket last year same thing happened to me dont worrie about ti though you will still get to harvest just fine!


Well-Known Member
Your plant is a bit young to be dropping leaves.

Nothing serious. Just learn from your experiences.

Keep a journal. Write down what you see.

Consider transplanting into a bigger pot, soon. The girls have got another month to veg. That can amount to an additional five feet of vertical growth, in the ground.


So it's been about 4 days and the tips of the yellow leaves are dying and more are turning yellow. I'll have pictures up later. Nitrogen def?


Well-Known Member
if you are using 5 gallon buckets, make sure to water frequently. give some nitrogen if the soil is just plain soil, bucket plants need nutes often. i grow in 5 gallon buckets and use a fert mixed in water. i also use bone and blood meal mixed into the soil at the beginning. it only lasts for the first month then they need more nutes. just make sure to water at least every five days if no rain, and flush at the end of budding, then let dry out good before harvest. worked for me last time. grew an indica strain (bagseed) and got three ounces off of her, she was about five feet tall and beautiful, purple/pink hairs when in the cool, fall air!!! Best bud I ever grew!!