Need some help and 1st indoor plants are sick...


Anyhow, this is my first indoor grow and my plants are sick. I was using tap that I wasn't leaving out for 24 hours (yeah, I know, I stopped using my tap water, I read the report for my area and it's some nasty crud), and 2 waterings ago started using distilled water + camag+ 1/3 strength age old grow + ZHO. They were worse, the seem to be getting better, one of the seedlings still seems to be struggling…HELP PLEASE!!!!! :-( BTW, they are under a 1000 watt mh (about 30 inches from the canopy). Room temps are 68 lights out and about 77 lights on. RH is steady at 41%. I do have a fan angled on high to provide air circulation, and my hood has a 500cfm fan pulling air through the hood and out.


So would you suggest distilled + camag only for the seedlings? I was a bit worried by the yellowing on the tips of one of my older plants (2nd from the bottom in the pics).