Need some Help...


Active Member
Hi guys this is my first attempt to indoor growing. Everything that i know i learned here. However i notice some thing is not right in my babies...the babies are under fluorescent light ... i would guess it is over watering since im giving 200ml water+supervit, everyday. any help is welcome



Well-Known Member
You can use the 400 right now if you have one, just hang it a bit further away than normal. Maybe 18" max but within a couple days you should work it down to the minimum height that leaves the temperature at plant level below 80f.


Active Member
thanks guys going to move them to 400w today, thanks for all advice i will post new pics soon i change the light ...


Well-Known Member
Hey ray, idk if u got one already, but get a fan on those asap. It'll strengthen up those lil stems having a nice breeze on em.


Active Member
Your watering to much every day is very bad. Have holes in your pots at the bottom and every 3days depending on flowering or veg. Soak them right throught and let them run out the bottom,makes sure you have alot of holes at the bottom. Because if there is no holes the water will stay at the bottom of the pot and thats not good at all. Always check your soil a couple inch's down and see if it still a little wet if thats the case wait till manna. Over watering is one of the worst to do 2 your plants. If you have 2 let them dry up alittle then water like I said right through. Is your water ph balance before using?


Active Member
thanks guys for all help...folllowing the advice i put them into vege room under 400 MH. and i stop watering the plants... also im just putting plain water you guys think i should buy the PH balance and put together?


Active Member
Your watering to much every day is very bad. Have holes in your pots at the bottom and every 3days depending on flowering or veg. Soak them right throught and let them run out the bottom,makes sure you have alot of holes at the bottom. Because if there is no holes the water will stay at the bottom of the pot and thats not good at all. Always check your soil a couple inch's down and see if it still a little wet if thats the case wait till manna. Over watering is one of the worst to do 2 your plants. If you have 2 let them dry up alittle then water like I said right through. Is your water ph balance before using?
Thanks man i just moved the plants to vege room under 400 MH i hope it was just over watering... no im not using ph think i should use instead plain water...i have all nutes from Hesi going to start giving nutes next week ...on top over that i still have to put ph balance in the water? or the hutes already have the ph already



Well-Known Member
Definately get a ph kit, ph is very imprtant throught the life of the plant. Use only distilled water, and adjust the ph, if needed, to 6.5.