Need some immediate help

What's up guys I am having a hard time identifying what this is ?

Res temps 68
Tent 75
Rh 51

GH flora series 2 part micro and bloom

Ppms 950 graduating to around 1300 tomorrow

During a top up last night I noticed these not sure what it is have looked everywhere and cannot find any info they don't move they are not spreading this specific plant almost had no water left in res was down to about half gallon ?
Plant and roots are otherwise healthy

What could it be what can I do what should I buy

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
They sure seem like eggs of some sort, but I kinda don't think so. I think you'd be seeing the adults of whatever it is, somewhere. If they were root aphids, they would move - there would be no mistaking them. Being that they are just in one spot, one just one plant (you have others that don't have this?) - I'm thinking it's just some sort of particulate that got stuck in there. To be safe, you could certainly, gently cut out just those roots. Root pruning is a good thing to occasionally do.
Yea no other plants have it I just naught some hydro gaurd for when I do a res change a little concernd on cutting them the go to the bulk of roots i would never be able to get the dead ones out and it would worry the shit out of me lol thank a lot for the input


Well-Known Member
I've been playing with Hydroguard in my DWC. I used to be a strict sterile rez guy but now I'm really sold on the stuff. I did a side by side comparison with 4 buckets Hydroguard and 4 buckets sterile - with rez temps constantly in the high 70's/80's - and zero rez changes for the whole veg cycle. They all did great - no root issues at all.

Hydroguard is some ungodly good stuff. Aside from those mystery specks, your roots like great - nice and white. Whatever you're doing, they seem really happy.

I would throw the hydro guard in there right now. They recommend 1 ml/gal - I do 2 ml/gal for the initial inoculation. After that, you don't have to add it again. The bacteria self replicate.