Need to leave them from september on. will they survive until harvest?

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
I have to leave to go to school at the beginning of september. The plants are gonna be harvested (if they live) mid october. How long can they go without water? Can I trust the weather to provide the girls with enough rain?

I was looking for ways to water automatically. Does anybody know if those automatic watering bulb looking things work? Plant Nanny at


Well-Known Member
get some sort of BIGGG ass jug or something and make it so the rain will collect in it at the top as much as possible.fill that bitch before you leave and make a couple real little holes at the bottom,put it at the base of your plant.i've had the same sort of problem this worked for me.


Active Member
dont' worry about it to much I have left grows unattended for weeks and came back to see nice ass plants.

Let mother nature take care of the maintance remember its just a weed you are growing

Good Luck


Active Member
how many plants did you have? cause im thinking of doing the same thing next year. What strains were you doing?