Need to tear-down quick! Questions.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I might just stash my 6wks+ flowering girls in a cupboard for say...half an hour or so while my landlord comes to do his walkthrough. Will this cause them any major issues? Obviously my goal would be to do things as fast as possible (10 mins or so) but I can't guarantee it.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
if you don't have a choice than that's that. i don't know if that will qualify for "major stress" but every strain is different. i would be more concerned about how to mask the smell of cannabis in full bloom in a cupboard...


a tent would be your best bet on a quick tear down unit, but the plant question i cant comment on that much but i really dont think it will hurt/kill them.... but the problem will be that your whole house is going to smell like pot from moving them around.


Well-Known Member
man I am dreading the day my land lord asked to do a walk thru. I live in a 4 bedroom house with 8 one thousand watt hps flowering and 4 400's vegging. my plan is if he asked to do a walk thru when my lease is up is to just tell him im moving out then he can look. most likely he will say never mind cause I pay 1200 a month every month on time for the past 8 months. I feel your pain tho man


Well-Known Member
mr sticky WOW that's around 10k watts, hows your electric bill?

Oh and OP, if its during the day cycle the loss of light isnt as bad as if it were an addition of light during the night cycle. Just be careful not to bend/break/etc and maybe turn on a lot of electronics in case he was wondering about electric use.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I might just stash my 6wks+ flowering girls in a cupboard for say...half an hour or so while my landlord comes to do his walkthrough. Will this cause them any major issues? Obviously my goal would be to do things as fast as possible (10 mins or so) but I can't guarantee it.
yo man no worries if its only 30 or so min they would even b ok for a few hrs if that was the case


Well-Known Member
mr sticky WOW that's around 10k watts, hows your electric bill?

Oh and OP, if its during the day cycle the loss of light isnt as bad as if it were an addition of light during the night cycle. Just be careful not to bend/break/etc and maybe turn on a lot of electronics in case he was wondering about electric use.
in the summer its around 900 a month in the winter its better cause I dont have to run my ac as much.DSCN0088.JPGDSCN0139.JPGDSCN0140.JPGDSCN0126.JPGDSCN0123.JPGDSCN0135.JPGDSCN0132.JPGDSCN0087.JPGDSCN0077.JPG


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I might just stash my 6wks+ flowering girls in a cupboard for say...half an hour or so while my landlord comes to do his walkthrough. Will this cause them any major issues? Obviously my goal would be to do things as fast as possible (10 mins or so) but I can't guarantee it.
it wont hurt them at all bro lol. just make sure its not hella hot. what i would do is put them in the bathroom and run the shower and say your girl is getting ready for work.its not like hes going to demand to see you bathroom as long as the rest of the house looks gud


Well-Known Member
it wont hurt them at all bro lol. just make sure its not hella hot. what i would do is put them in the bathroom and run the shower and say your girl is getting ready for work.its not like hes going to demand to see you bathroom as long as the rest of the house looks gud
that's a great idea....+rep

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it wont hurt them at all bro lol. just make sure its not hella hot. what i would do is put them in the bathroom and run the shower and say your girl is getting ready for work.its not like hes going to demand to see you bathroom as long as the rest of the house looks gud
that's actually a really good idea. put some kind of bubble bath or shower gel crap all over the tub first and run a warm shower. the humidity might be an issue with the buds unless you have a good bathroom fan. the bubble bath will help with the smell.


Well-Known Member
Haha like the guys above said, that's an awesome idea. He's kind of crazy, so I don't think it would fly. He'd just ask to come back later or something. With any normal landlord though, I'd think it would work.

I'm just going to finish up some painting in the bathroom as a means to cover the smell and hope all goes well. Worst case scenario I think he would just ask me to get rid of them, nothing legality-wise,


Well-Known Member

They don't appear to be stressed in the least bit (not that it would show right away anyway) and I just gave em a good watering. Hoping all goes well...


Well-Known Member
That shit is scary. In my college days, I had a pretty nice grow going in an apartment. I was going to move out in a few months, and I had a batch of Mikado's almost done.

I ran a business about an hour away from my school, and was down there working. I can still remember my phone ringing as I stood at the top of a 40 ft ladder. I let it go to message, and when I listened it to it, it was my landloard saying "I know this is last minute, but I really need to show an apartment like yours, and since you're moving out, I'm just going to run them through real quick. Don't worry if it's messy, they won't care". HOLY SHIT!

I was helpless. I tried calling, but they had already gone over to it. I lived by myself, and didn't exactly lock stuff back then.

I called my girlfriends brother who is an attorney, and asked what to do. He said that the police couldn't get a warrent, since it was the end of the day, and the judge would have been out of his office. They didn't have permission to enter either. He said get the hell up there, move the hell out in the middle of the night, and don't ever go back.

I packed up all my stuff in a couple of pickup truck loads, chopped down my girls and stuffed them in boxes with all my gear, dropped off a check for the remaining few months rent in the drop box, and never looked back.

Closest call ever. Growing in rented places blows. I would have loved to see the look on all their faces when they walked in, and saw my little hobby! Would have been priceless.

Hope all stays good with you.


Active Member
Closest call ever. Growing in rented places blows. I would have loved to see the look on all their faces when they walked in, and saw my little hobby! Would have been priceless.
LMAO, yea that would be priceless...

Im havin my first grow in my rented apartment too but i got a tent, so if they come in when i aint home they will just think its a big black box or somethin, they shouldnt have a need to look through my things if they're just doing a walkthrough