Need to worry about thermal imaging if only doing a 400w closet for personal use?


Well-Known Member
Just curious before I build if I need to take this into consideration. Nobody knows my plans, nobody will know about my closet and this is only for personal use.

Just not clear on how often residential neighborhoods get scanned for heat signatures.



Well-Known Member
they are used illegally but you cant see thru walls with it. if its in a closet then you have no worries. in order to detect the heat it would have to be on an outside wall.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry a 400w is no more hot than a toaster oven. If you're in the USA thermal scans can't be used by cops or to get a warrant. I think they can in the UK I'm not sure. sorry

jimmy jones

Active Member
Just because its illegal doesn't mean they don't do it. Cops and judges are dirtier than any of us that's for sure. But I don't think a 400 is anything to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Cool, thanks! I'll work on that RPG... It's been on my list of things to pick up for some time now although I have yet to see any choppers over my neighborhood in the last 6 years. lol As far as the outside wall goes, my lights(cabinet) wont be on an outside wall but I do plan to vent behind the wall that it will be against into some dead space that would actually be closer to my roof than anything else. The air will be traveling through a carbon scrubber, the fan itself, a muffler and then about 10 feet of schedule 40 6" PVC pipe before making into any actual space though.

Thanks again for the info!


Well-Known Member
you will be fine if your that worried put some extra insulation in the roof space above your closet but a 400w light doesent give out that much of a heat signiture when protected by insulated walls of a house the lamp will be nearly impossible to spot other appliances in your home give out more of a heat sig. nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
Don't need to worry. My water heater puts off more heat than a 400w light. Hell, my 1200w space heater puts out ALOT more heat than a 400w light. Can you imagine if they busted into every ones house that used a space heater?