need your opinion, which fert for veg part of grow


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah. Plants looooooooove dead fish.

The problem is, so do raccoons and other pests that go digging around and tearing through stuff to find the source of that delicious fish smell. :/


Well-Known Member
If you were to get a hair off a dog or if you really can something BIGGER ;) then the racoons will poo there pants and stay away from your beloved crop :-)


Well-Known Member
As stated above, the only problem with fish ferts is that animals love it as much as plants do. I'm just can't bring myself to put my babies in any more danger than is necessary.

I've been using the fox farms trio and my plants are loving it, so it has my endorsement. However, big bloom is the only true organic one so that may not be your cup of tea.


Well-Known Member
I was using fish emulsion on my girls while they were still veggin on a roof(that shit stinks)Now that there in the ground theres no way i'll use it because of critters.


Well-Known Member
Makes you think ... why did god bless us with Weed and then challenge us with bugs :(
So he'd have an excuse to bless us with neem oil.

The real question is why did he have to make it so delectable for other members of the animal kingdom.